Thursday, December 9, 2010

Severe's Disease

Dr. Rosenstein,

     My child’s foot keeps hurting constantly after they attend gym class. What are your thoughts on why this may be happening?

You should examine your child’s feet to see if they have a lesion noted.  If not think about Severe’s disease – this is damage to the growth plate in your child’s heel bone.  This is caused by your child having a growth spurt before their muscles are ready for the pulling.  The Achilles tendon pulls in an upward directions and the plantar fasciitis pulls longitudinally.

Your child will have pain after exercises or playing sports.  Many years ago, Podiatrists thought this was a stress fracture to the growth plate, but have since learned this is an infarction to the growth plate. 

By stretching and orthotics the majority of symptoms will be resolved.  Your child will have to wear orthotics and be checked till their growth plate in their heel is completely closed.  This will allow your child to continue participating in sports.

As always it is recommended to see your podiatrists. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Affiliated Podiatrists, Inc. at 440-946-5858 or visit our website:

And remember...."When your feet hurt, you hurt all over!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's time to visit a foot doctor in Singapore. My child recently felt a lot of pain on his foot because of sports. We thought it's normal. Now, I'm worried.
