Thursday, February 17, 2011

Loss of protective sensation

Diabetic foot ulcers are sores on the feet that occur in 15% of diabetic patients some time during their lifetime.

The causes of diabetic foot ulcers are neuropathic and vascular complications of the disease.

Nerve damage caused by diabetes can alter or complete loss of feeling in the foot or leg. This is known as periphal neuropathy. The loss of protective sensation stops the patient from being warned that the skin is being injured from for example pressure feelings from shoes, cuts, bruises, or any injury. This may result in skin loss, blisters and ulcers.

Vascular disease is also a major problem in diabetes and especially affects very small blood vessels feeding the skin. In this situattion normal pulses in the feet may be found because the arteries are unaffected. But in some cases in diabetic patients that have narrowed arteries a pulse can not be found at the feet. The lack of healthy blood flow may lead to ulceration. Wound healing then becomes impaired.

In most cases patients who have ulcers may take their time before presenting it to a doctor because they are frequently painless.

Depending on the severity foot ulcers may be rated between 0 and 3

0- at risk foot with no ulceration
1- superficial ulceration with no infection
2- deep ulceration exposing tendons and joints
3- extensive ulceration or absceses

The tissue around the ulcer may become black due to the lack of healthy blood flow to the foot. In severe cases partial or complete gangreene may occur.

Of course if you feel you may have a foot ulcer please see your podaitrists!

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Affiliated Podiatrists, Inc. at
440-946-5858 or visit our website

*Don't forget to order your FREE copy of  our book off our website


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