Thursday, October 28, 2010

Those Pesky Calluses!

Dr. Rosenstein,

      How can I get rid of calluses and prevent them from coming back?

Calluses, those hardened patches of dead skin cells formed from keratin that generally develop on the ball or heel of the foot, can actually protect the feet and often do not need to be treated.

The skin on the sole of our feet is actually forty times thicker than skin anywhere else  and a callus can be double this thickness. A protective callus layer naturally develops to guard against excessive pressure and chafing as people age and the padding of fat on the bottom of the foot thins out.

Calluses develop from wearing poorly fitting shoes and walking on hard surfaces. People with diabetes should be extremely careful as calluses can be a strong predictor of subsequent ulceration.

If the callus is causing pain, there are several treatments. You can sand callus with a pumice stone after bathing. Soft cushions can be placed in the heel of the shoes or under the ball of the foot to relieve pain. You can purchase special fitted shoe inserts.

Creams and special ointments can be used to effectively prevent and remove calluses.

If your calluses are well developed , then  professional attention is needed. Consult your podiatrist for proper treatment.

"When your feet hurt, you hurt all over!"

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Affiliated Podiatrists, Inc. at
440-946-5858 or visit our website

1 comment:

  1. We know the importance of your body and we want to make your your body more beautiful. In this aspect we provide proper solution about calluses that is a common problem for most of us. Visit our site to know all the natural remedies of thick calluses on feet and other technique about proper foot care.
