Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle by, John Craigo P.T.

Stress fractures are small cracks in the bones of the foot and/or ankle most commonly caused by
unusual or repeated stress rather than by a single hard impact. Bones are living, changing
structures, absorbing and rebuilding cells constantly. When too much stress occurs for the bones
to rebuild themselves sufficiently, a weakened stress point can occur.
Fatigue often is part of the cause - muscles that are over-tired are less able to absorb the shock of
impact when the foot hits the ground and the stress is transferred to the bones. This can occur in
athletes who train too hard or try to do too much or even in non-athletes who do more than usual
or often do too little and have bones that have become weak.
Symptoms of stress fractures may include:
pain that comes on gradually and worsens with walking or running but improves with rest
tenderness or swelling on the top or outside of the foot or ankle with no previous trauma
An interview and examination with your podiatrist is warranted for diagnosis - X-rays may not
always show stress fractures until more healing takes place.
In the weight bearing bones of the foot and ankle, healing may be delayed by continuing to put
weight on that limb. Rest and a cast or walking boot are often used for 4 to 8 weeks followed by
rehabilitation to strengthen the muscles of the leg and ankle.
Strengthening muscles and bones by gradually increasing activity levels, avoiding sudden bursts
of exercise, wearing proper supportive footwear, and eating a good diet are all ways to help
prevent stress fractures.

So What Are The Benefits of Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy's treatment methodology is aimed at the treatment and curing of certain ailments, and preventing the chances of pain reoccurring in the same place or at a later point of time. Its primary goal and focus is to bring back the patient to his or her normal self, free of any pain or complications, so that he or she could then move forward with their normal life by performing all the daily activities with very minimum or no difficulty. Physical therapy also deals with cardiopulmonary and neurological conditions too.

Physical therapy is effective to regain mobility of joints, strengthen muscles, achieve flexibility, and acquire better balance and. Apart from all this, physical therapy can also help to significantly improve overall fitness and health. Physical therapy is also a very effective method in aiding/helping children to cope with issues such as developmental delays or muscle and joint weaknesses that could happen in their early stages of life. For physical therapy to be effective, it is very important that the patient also responds positively to their treatments, and for that to happen he or she needs to keep a positive frame of mind and not in a negative mind set. So keep positive and your treatment will have positive affects!

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Affiliated Podiatrists, Inc. at: 440-946-5858
or visit our website
order a free copy of a our book on our website!

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